Simons Astrophysics Group at ICISE (SAGI) invites applicants for one postdoctoral position to work on computational modeling and analysis of multi-wavelength dust polarization data from star-forming regions to study the roles of dust and magnetic fields in star formation, stellar feedback, and galaxy evolution. The appointment is expected to start on August 1st, 2022, but the exact date is negotiable. The initial appointment is for two years, with a possible extension to the third year, depending on research performance. The successful candidate will conduct research activities on the new campus of ICISE in Quy Nhon, Viet Nam. We offer a competitive package of salary and benefits.
We are looking for excellent candidates with a Ph.D. in Astronomy or Physics and a strong background in theoretical astrophysics or computational astrophysics. Candidates with demonstrated experience in one of the following topics will receive stronger preference: dust astrophysics, computational modeling of radiative transfer and MHD turbulence, analysis and modeling of multi-wavelength dust polarization data, interstellar magnetic fields, and star formation.
The successful candidate will collaborate with Dr. Thiem Hoang (KASI/UST, Korea) on the topics of mutual interests in the aforementioned areas. The postdoctoral researcher is encouraged to collaborate with other SAGI’s key members, including Dr. Hien Nguyen (JPL/Caltech, USA) and Dr. Quang Nguyen Luong (AUP/CEA, France). The postdoctoral researcher is also expected to mentor undergraduate and graduate students and actively participate in the SAGI’s academic activities.
Required documents: a CV & publication list, research achievements and plan, and at least three letters of recommendation.
Application: Send the full application in a single PDF file to Dr. Thiem Hoang (email: and CC to Dr. Hien Nguyen (email: Please arrange for three letters of reference to be sent to the above addresses.
Application deadline: June 30th, 2022, 11:59 PM, Ha Noi time (GMT+7).
The Institute For Interdisciplinary Research in Science and Education (IFIRSE) belongs to the International Center of Interdisciplinary Science Education (ICISE) and is located in Ghenh Rang, Quy Nhon, Binh Dinh, Viet Nam. Our main mission is to conduct fundamental research, driven by curiosity, at an international level. Website:
Simons Astrophysics Group at ICISE (SAGI) is founded in 2022 under the grant awarded by the Simons Foundation to IFIRSE. Our main mission is to foster collaborative research in astrophysics between international experts and the local researchers and to train young researchers in Astrophysics.
For any inquiries or questions, please contact Dr. Thiem Hoang (